Friday, May 9, 2008


After months of being passive aggressive, the hubster has finally agreed to look at cruises for vacation. He's still sort of being passive aggressive, but at least he's the one who brought it up this time and not me. I guess I only have the oil companies to thank. THANKS OIL COMPANIES!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Hello and welcome to my blog. This is a place where I rant and rave about all things diet/exercise/fitness/nutrition related and have a good old time doing so. Please feel free to post responses and rant away if you feel like it.

I have struggled with weight issues all of my life and have gotten serious within the last 5 years or so. I lost a significant amount of weight, but have more left to go. In my advanced age of 37 years, I am finding that it's harder to get rid of the excess, but I keep focusing on a healthy lifestyle.

I think I'd like to have my first rant:

SCREW YOU of the 23 point Classic Cobb Flatbread Salad. I used to eat these every once in a while, BUT NO MORE. I will make a more sensible choice. LIKE NOT GOING TO QUIZNOS.